Tips For Maintenance Of Natural Curly hair


curly human hair

Natural Curly hair

You understand the challenge if you've ever spent months growing out bangs or a pixie cut.

Hair grows half an inch a month on average, or around six inches per year, but it might feel

much slower with curls. Although curly hair and straight hair grow simultaneously, the curls

prevent the hair from growing straight down, making the growth appear slower. You'll need

to work more on your curls if you want to grow long curly hair that's as healthy as it is gorgeous.

Make your long hair goals a reality with these best tips from experts. 

Tip 1: Determine Your Curl Type 

Are you 3A, B, or C?

Your hair type is usually a factor in how your hair responds to treatments. The tighter the curls are, the dryer the hair will be and the more prone it is to breaking. Determining your curl type is one of the best ways to start your journey in growing curly or coily hair, length retention, and maintaining the health of your hair. 

Tip 2: Keep Your Curls Moisturized 

Kinky curly hair

Moisturize. Moisturize. Moisturize!

We have constantly heard about the importance of moisturizing your skin, and it's the same for your hair.

Moisture is an important aspect of growing your natural hair since it helps with length retention.

Moisture provides hair with its elasticity and the capacity to bend without breaking when manipulated.

Remember: when there is a moisture shortage, breakage can develop, which is the enemy of hair growth. Sebum is also known as the natural conditioner of the hair. When the sebaceous glands produce sebum, it forms a barrier on the strands, allowing moisture to be trapped in the hair and scalp. However, unlike straight hair (where the sebum easily travels downwards), sebum cannot travel down your hair because of the curly pattern-this is a key reason why ends of curly hair are usually dry. 

Tip 3: Moisturize Your Curls Effectively 

Dry hair is prone to snapping even with mild force, which is why it is critical to maintain hair fully

moisturized rather than merely hydrated. If you are wondering why that happens, it's because

evaporation occurs, and your curls go from soft to lustrous and supple to dry and crunchy. That's why

effective miniaturization is essential. 

Tip 4: Feed Your Curly Hair With The Right Ingredients 

Use the right ingredients for your curly hair

The components in your hair care products matter in keeping your hair moisturized and boosting growth.

According to studies, the hair care industry contains more harsh, dangerous, and toxic ingredients.

But don't worry because you can choose the right products to optimize the health of your curly hair.

Look for products that contain high-quality natural oils and butter, including coconut, almond, avocado,

shea, and grapeseed, instead of petroleum and mineral oil, which are generated from crude oil and leave

a deposit on the hair shaft.

Caution: Many products are designed for Natural curly hair, but more products & ingredients do not mean more effective. Some products are highly water-based and will just evaporate from the cuticles or contain unnecessary ingredients that block moisture from infiltrating the cuticles. 

Tip 5: Gentle Does It

Gentle really does it!

Using a wide-tooth comb, carefully comb your natural hair. Since your hair is curly, the comb's teeth

take a little longer to slide through the diameter of the curl.Further more, the greater the space between the comb, the better it is for curly hair. You can also apply

this tip while combing your curly hair extensions to reduce breakage, knots, entanglement.  Another method is to untangle your hair with your fingers. This is a good alternative for tight curl patterns or thicker hair. Never, ever comb your hair when it's parched-experts always recommend combing when

your best curly hair extensions is damp. And ALWAYS start from the tips. Starting from the roots results

in tangles that need to be chopped off more often. 


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